5 successful project management tips: How to manage multiple projects

If you are a project manager, you might work between 3 and 20 projects on average, according to Indeed. To execute these projects well you need access to successful project management tips. But tips out there are often tied to assumptions like if you have plenty of funds, your project is less likely to fail, […]

How to Track Employee Overtime for Accurate Payroll

According to an Incandgo survey, nearly 71% of full-time employees work overtime once a week. This data goes unaccounted for, the task list keeps growing, and the employees’ motivation decreases.   Keeping track of overtime is important for employers to manage resources, and it also helps employees track their workload and highlight their contributions within an […]

The Best Task Management Software In 2024

All companies want to complete projects on time. They want to ship out results faster so they can make more money and their clients are happy. Underneath this culture of hustling, there is a sea of tired, frustrated knowledge workers. In 2020, as per the report by The American Institute of Stress, 83% of workers […]

A complete guide to project dependencies + industry examples

If you decide to make a painting today, there are multiple tasks you will need to do in order to accomplish your goal. You will need to buy a canvas and painting supplies, choose an inspiration, and begin painting. All these tasks cater towards one common project goal: to create a painting. These interlinked tasks fall […]

What is work management – a complete guide with process

Over 23.7% of employees (i.e., 4.6 million working professionals) had high stress levels due to unmanageable workload in 2023, according to a report by the Labor Force Survey. One reason for stressful and unmanageable work is too much focus on individual projects or tasks rather than work as a whole. As the way of working […]

How to write a clear project communication plan

According to a 2022 report by KPMG, communication is the top skill project managers, and knowledge workers must have, as voted by 33% of the professionals surveyed. As a project manager, the responsibility to manage multiple deadlines, answer the stakeholders, and stay on top of your team lies on your shoulders. Having a clear communication plan […]

How to manage overdue tasks at work

Do you feel like you are constantly running behind on overdue tasks, and still, the list keeps growing by the minute? Well, you are not alone. 68% of employees do not have time to go uninterrupted, focused work, as per a Microsoft study. This leads to burnout, a pile of tasks, and no motivation to […]

Project initiation: How to set up your project for success

Having a strong foundation is vital to every single project and can significantly improve your chances of success. Project initiation is a process that provides that foundation to every project. It helps the stakeholders, and the teams understand the reason for starting the project. Think of it as a compass that will keep your project […]

How to find the best time tracking software for your team?

Nearly 68% of employees stated that they do not have time for deep, focused work during their workday, according to a Microsoft study. This is a result of juggling between emails, team messaging apps, meetings, and other, often unnecessary, communication. How your resources use their time is directly tied to your project’s timeline, quality, and […]

5 Tips to Lead a More Productive Meeting

We have all been there, passively listening to our colleague take over a meeting in a completely different direction. Bored out of our minds, thinking about dinner while we nod and smile at the long-winded lectures that have been going on for what seems like an eternity now. But it has only been 14 minutes […]